Informations réglementaires

Les informations contenues dans ce site n’ont pas vocation à être utilisées dans tout pays ou juridiction ou par des personnes pour lesquelles un tel usage constituerait une violation de la loi.

Les informations contenues dans les pages du présent site Internet ne doivent pas être considérées comme une offre ou une invitation à réaliser des investissements ou à investir dans les fonds mentionnés dans les présentes, par toute personne dans toute juridiction dans laquelle une telle offre ou invitation serait considérée comme illégale ou dans laquelle la personne proposant cette offre ou invitation n’est pas qualifiée pour le faire ou à toute personne à qui il est illégal de proposer une telle offre ou invitation.

Informations importantes à l’attention des ressortissants/résidents des États-Unis
Les fonds distribués par TURGOT ASSET MANAGEMENT ne sont pas proposés à la vente aux États-Unis d’Amérique, dans ses territoires ou possessions, ni à tout citoyen américain, y compris les ressortissants des États-Unis d’Amérique et les sociétés de droit américain

Les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures. Les fluctuations des marchés et du cours des devises, le contexte économique, peuvent faire varier à la hausse ou à la baisse la valeur en capital des investissements ainsi que les revenus qui en découlent. Il se peut que les investisseurs ne recouvrent pas les montants investis initialement. Le traitement fiscal dépend de la situation personnelle de chaque investisseur et peut faire l’objet de modifications. Il est recommandé à tout investisseur de recourir aux conseils spécifiques d’un conseiller professionnel avant de prendre une décision en matière d’investissement.

Toutes les informations présentées sur les pages suivantes sont issues de sources considérées comme fiables. Toutefois, ni TURGOT ASSET MANAGEMENT ni les auteurs de ce site n’acceptent de responsabilité quelle qu’elle soit en cas de perte directe ou indirecte découlant de l’utilisation par quiconque des informations y figurant.

TURGOT ASSET MANAGEMENT ajuste régulièrement l’ensemble de ses procédures afin de respecter les nouvelles réglementations mises en place par l’autorité de régulation.

Politique de « meilleure sélection »

Lien vers la politique de sélection des intermédiaires financiers

Compte rendu relatif aux frais d’intermédiation

Conformément à l’article 321-122 du Règlement général de l’AMF, le montant des frais d’intermédiation étant inférieur à 500 K€ au 31/12/2023 Turgot AM n’a pas de rapport à établir au titre de l’année 2023.

Rapport relatif aux cinq premiers intermédiaires de marché

Lien vers le rapport relatif aux cinq premiers intermédiaires de marché

Politique de gestion des conflits d’intérêts

Lien vers la politique gestion des conflits d’intérêts

Résumé des droits des investisseurs

Lien vers la procédure réclamations

Information Solvency II

Conformément aux obligations réglementaires découlant de la position n°2004-07 de l’Autorité des marchés financiers, nous vous informons que pour répondre aux besoins des investisseurs professionnels soumis aux obligations découlant de la Directive 2009/138/CE dite Solvency II, Turgot Asset Management pourra communiquer dans un délai qui ne pourra être inférieur à 48 heures à compter de la dernière publication de la valeur liquidative, la composition du portefeuille de ses Fonds. Les informations transmises dans ce cadre seront strictement confidentielles et devront être utilisées uniquement pour le calcul des exigences prudentielles. Elles ne pourront, en aucun cas, entraîner des pratiques prohibées telles que le «market timing» ou le «late trading» de la part des porteurs de parts bénéficiaires de ces informations.

Politique de rémunération

Lien vers la politique de rémunération

Politique ESG

Lien vers la politique ESG

Politique d'engagement actionnariale et de vote

Lien vers la politique d'engagement actionnariale et de vote

Lien vers le compte rendu annuel 2023

Sanctions/ Restrictions à l’encontre de la Russie - 15 avril 2022

En réponse à l’intervention militaire russe en Ukraine, l’Union européenne et divers autres pays ont adopté une série de sanctions à l'encontre de la Russie et de la Biélorussie.

Ainsi, l'article 5 septies du Règlement (UE) n° 833/2014 (tel que modifié par le Règlement (UE) n° 2022/328 du Conseil) et l'article 1 septies du Règlement (CE) n° 765/2006 (tel que modifié par le Règlement (UE) n° 2022/398 du Conseil) (la « Règlementation ») interdisent de vendre des valeurs mobilières libellées en euros émises après le 12 avril 2022 ou des parts d’organismes de placement collectif (OPC) offrant une exposition à ces valeurs mobilières à tout ressortissant russe ou biélorusse, toute personne physique résidant en Russie ou Biélorussie ou à toute personne morale, entité ou tout organisme établi en Russie ou en Biélorussie.

Cette interdiction ne s’applique pas aux ressortissants d’un Etat membre ni aux personnes physiques titulaires d’un permis de séjour temporaire ou permanent dans un Etat membre de l'Union européenne.

Dans la mesure où les OPC de TURGOT ASSET MANAGEMENT sont susceptibles d’acquérir de telles valeurs mobilières, les investisseurs russes et biélorusses tels que définis ci-dessus ne pourront plus souscrire dans les parts ou actions des OPC après le 12 avril 2022.

Cette interdiction restera effective aussi longtemps que la Règlementation sera en vigueur.

Terms of use

This website is operated by Turgot Capital and its affiliates.
Director of Publications/Editorial Manager: Charles François Bonnet. 

Prior to using this website, please check that you have read and have unreservedly accepted all terms of use as defined below.



Past performance is not a guide to future performance and are not constant overtime.


Investing in financial instruments may result in risk and the value of a SICAV fund share and a mutual fund unit reflects the value of the securities and assets held and is subject to the changes in stock market prices.Investors could lose all or part of their investment, the full amount of your investment in mutual funds is not guaranteed.

Prior Notice

An investment in an OPC or any related product should only be made after reading the related legal documents. Prospectuses, KIIDs (Key Investor Information Document) and annual reports of each UCIT/AIF authorized and/or approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Other regulatory documents are available upon request from Turgot Asset Management.

Dodd Franck Act

Users are informed that all products and services presented on this website could only besold inthe jurisdiction in which it is allowed. Therefore, access to this website could be limited or forbidden to certain users.

Information on this website should not be considered as an offer or an enticement to subscribe to financial products especially for people living in the United States.

Turgot Asset Management will not provide the information to investors who request information if the law applying to his nationality, residence or head office prohibits it.

Users are requested to ensure that they are allowed to connect to this website in the country in which the connection is established and that nothing could legally forbid them to subscribe to financial products.

Reference indicators

Price quotations : Data on reference indicators are provided by third parties that are the exclusive owners of such data. The published index is the closing level of the index.Until 31 December 2012, the reference indicators’ equity indices were calculated ex-dividend. Since 1 January 2013, they have been calculated with net dividends reinvested and their performances have been presented using the chaining method.

Best selection policy

All investment service providers must act in the best interests of their clients when executing orders that result from investment decisions for the portfolios.

To this end, in its capacity as a fund management company, and having regard to the nature of its business, Turgot Asset Management is obligated to select intermediaries whose execution policy guarantees the best possible result when executing orders sent on behalf of its clients. Turgot Asset Management nevertheless remains responsible for best execution concerning the processing of certain transactions carried out directly on the market.

In accordance with the regulations, Turgot Asset Management has put in place an order execution policy that allows it to obtain the best possible result with respect to client orders. The order execution policy notably requires that orders be registered and processed in a timely and accurate manner, having regard to market conditions.

This order execution policy is based on:
- a standardised process for selecting financial intermediaries and counterparties
- an analysis and selection process concerning the reporting provided by service providers as part of best execution

Turgot Asset Management uses a multi-criteria approach to select intermediaries that guarantee the best execution of stock market orders.

Every analysis criterion is subject to an assessment, which is allocated a weighting coefficient, thereby enabling an overall rating to be attributed, subsequently allowing all intermediaries analysed to be ranked to draw up the list of intermediaries actually selected.

The analysis criteria notably cover the availability and proactiveness of the intermediary representatives, the financial situation of the intermediaries, their speed, the quality of the processing and execution of orders and intermediary fees.

The intermediaries’ ratings are updated semi-annually. Based on this, the list of selected intermediaries is also reviewed every six months.

The summary of our selection policy described above is updated whenever the policy changes. The policy can be obtained on request from the management company.

Link to the selection of financial intermediaries’ policy (FR)

Intermediary fees

Link to the report on intermediary fees (FR)

Conflict of interest management policy

Turgot Asset Management makes every effort to identify conflicts of interest that may arise while providing investment or related services or fund management services.

Turgot Asset Management has a conflict of interest management policy in accordance with current regulations. This policy is commensurate with the size, structure, nature, importance and complexity of Turgot Asset Management’s business. It includes procedures to follow and measures to take to manage conflicts of interest, the aim being to ensure the primacy of clients’ interests and respect for market integrity. 

In accordance with current regulations, Turgot Asset Management also holds and updates a register that lists situations in which a conflict of interest has arisen whenever applicable.

When the organisational or administrative measures taken by Turgot Asset Management to manage conflicts of interest are not sufficient to avoid the risk of damaging investors’ interests with a reasonable degree of certainty, the company will clearly inform investors of the general nature and/or source of these conflicts of interest.

Based on the identification of conflicts of interest, a mapping of conflicts of interest has been drawn up. This mapping identifies the circumstances that give rise or may give rise to a conflict of interest. It makes it possible for Turgot Asset Management to identify and, if necessary, manage fairly any conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of carrying out its services, between its own interests and those of its clients or between the interests of several clients.

Link to the conflict of interest management policy (FR)

Summary of investor’s rights

Turgot Asset Management has implemented and maintains an operational procedure to quickly and efficiently process complaints made by its clients. Any complaint may be sent to the Compliance department by email, or by post to Turgot Asset Management - 44 Avenue de Villiers à Paris (75017).The management company will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within ten working days of the date on which it was received, unless a response has been issued to the client in the intervening period. Except in duly justified exceptional circumstances, a response will be issued to the client within two months of receipt of the complaint.

In the event of an ongoing dispute, the client may contact a mediator, such as the AMF :

Médiateur de l'AMF
Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)
17, place de la Bourse
75 082 Paris cedex 02

Or by e-mail to In order to facilitate the filing of a complaint request, the CSSF publishes an application form on its website at The client may file his request with the CSSF within one year as of the date on which the complainant filed his/her complaint request with the financial institution in accordance with CSSF Regulation 16-07.

Information Solvency II

In accordance with the regulatory requirements of AMF position 2004-07, we hereby inform you that to meet the needs of professional investors subject to the requirements arising from the Directive 2009/138/EC referred to as Solvency II, Turgot Asset Management may provide a report, within a deadline of no less than 48 hours with effect from the latest publication of the net asset value, on the composition of its Funds’ portfolio. The information provided shall be strictly confidential and used solely to determine prudential requirements. It may not under any circumstances give rise to prohibited practices such as market timing or late trading by the unitholders that receive this information.

Voting rights policy

In accordance with the regulatory requirements of AMF, Turgot Asset Management establisheda voting rights policy. It describes the conditions required for the company to use its voting right concerning participation owned by OPC under management.

Resolutions presented during general meetings are analysed by funds managers, then they take a decision regarding these resolutions.

Turgot Asset Management will use his voting right if :
- On the company level, the position is more than 5% of the market capitalization of the originator 
- The position is more than 5%of the asset under management of one fund

On the contrary scenario, voting rights will be used in a discretionary way by managers.

By exception with the paragraph above, the company cannot use its voting right if the investment that must be made to access the voting material is against the economic benefit of investors.

Voting rights principles : funds managers take action exclusively for the ultimate benefit of investors. They should participate in assembly votes when there is a risk of the modification of the strategy such as :
- A change in the shareholders’ majority
- A merge and acquisition
- A change in the director or management team
- A restructuring / reorganisation
- A financial transaction

Link to the voting right report

Remuneration policy

In accordance with the regulation issued from directives 2011/65/CE (AIFM) and 2014/91/CE (UCIT V ), Turgot Asset Management established a remuneration policy. Its main objective is to promote investors, company, and employee’s interest’s alignment. The second objective is to implement efficient management regarding various risks for the funds and the company
The provisions of the Remuneration Policy are reviewed and adjusted regularly to fit the changing regulatory framework. The remuneration policy includes a description of how remuneration and benefits are calculated.

Link to the remuneration policy

Politique ESG

Aware of actual issues, we are convinced that it is our responsibility to take into consideration social, environmental and governance criteria (ESG) regarding our investment policy.

Our approach is different according to the two OPC categories that compose our range of funds.

Funds with ESG integration : in compliance with the article 8 SFDR
Our approach is to take into consideration social, environmental and governance criteria in our management. The analysis of these criteria allows us to identify the best ESG practices and identify risks that companies could face.
This category applies to Turgot Oblig Plus.

Funds with no durability taken into consideration : in compliance with the article 6 SFDR
Regarding these funds, we only take into consideration controversies management along with vote and involvement policy. We do not put in place ESG analysis for these funds.
The category applies to :
- Turgot Absolute Return
- Etikea
- Turgot Smidcaps France
- Hastings Patrimoine
- Hastings Rendement
- Hastings Investissement
- Adsens

The companyis not a signatory of principles for responsible investment (PRI – more information on

The detailed process regarding our ESG approach is available upon request by mail at